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Art & Architecture

Touring the Cathedral

Many people visit the Cathedral of Saint Andrew weekly to view the beautiful art and architecture of this historical landmark. Self-tour brochures are available. To schedule group or docent-led tours, contact our business manager, Barb Foss.

616.456.1454 x1902

Stations of the Cross

These beautifully carved Stations on the inside walls of the cathedral help the faithful make a spiritual pilgrimage of prayer by meditating upon the chief scenes of Christ’s suffering and death.

Cathedral Organs

The Cathedral boasts three beautiful organs. The main organ in the loft, a second behind the main altar, and a third in the St. Ambrose Chapel.

Cathedral Bells

The north cathedral spire houses ten bells ranging in weight from 3,050 pounds to 566 pounds. At their blessing, they were given names.

Cathedral Windows

There are 23 stained glass windows in the cathedral. They were originally installed between 1912 and 1915, then refurbished in 2000.

Cathedral Saints

The statues and other works around the cathedral represent the saints that are important to our diverse community.


Contact our parish office.

616.456.1454 x1909

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