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Cathedral Saints

The Reredos

On the far back wall of the sanctuary area is a tall, peaked structure called the reredos. It contains niches in which are displayed the santos, colorful statuettes of the saints that are important to the cathedral and diocese.

The Good Shepherd

At the peak of the reredos, not immediately noticeable because it is done in the same muted gray color as the entire structure, is the statue of the Good Shepherd.

Saint Andrew

St. Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter was the first apostle of Christ. He is the patron saint of our diocese and of fisherman. It is believed that after Christ ascended into heaven, Andrew went to Greece to preach the Gospel. St. Andrew was martyred on a saltire (x-shaped) cross. You can see this cross represented in various architectural elements around the cathedral. St. Andrew’s feast day is November 30.

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha

(1656-1680) Patroness of the environment and ecology, St. Kateri is the first Native American to be canonized. Born near Auriesville, NY, she was the daughter of a Mohawk warrior and is known as the “Lily of the Mohawks.” After the death of her mother when she was four, St. Kateri was adopted by her two aunts and an uncle. She converted and was baptized, which incurred the great hostility of her tribe. Although she had to suffer greatly for her faith, St. Kateri remained firm in it. She lived a life dedicated to prayer, penitential practices and care for the sick and aged. She was devoted to the Eucharist and to Jesus crucified. St. Kateri was canonized on October 12, 2012 and her feast day is July 14.

Saint Martin de Porres

(1579-1639) St. Martin, a Dominican lay brother, spent his nights in prayer and penance and his days nursing the sick and the plague stricken. He worked for his monastery in Peru as barber, gardener, and counselor; but above all, he cared for the poor, irrespective of race and color. His cures seemed miraculous; his control of animals prodigious. His recognition as patron of race relations was due, not to any political or revolutionary activity, but to his universal, caring charity to those of all races. Canonized May 6, 1962, his feast day is November 3.

Saint De-Anne Thanh Thi Le

(1781-1841) St. De-Anne Thanh Thi Le was a wife and mother who carefully taught her children the catechism and Christian ways of life. Arrested in an attempt to hide a priest in her village in Vietnam, she died in prison after being interrogated and tortured and remaining constant in defending her Catholic faith. She is a great example in moral living and a patron for all Catholic Vietnamese mothers. St. De-Anne Thanh Thi Le was canonized June 19, 1988 and her feast is celebrated July 12.

Our Lady of Guadalupe

In 1531, Mary appeared to the Mexican peasant Juan Diego, leaving the signs of roses, an uncle miraculously cured, and her beautiful image on Juan’s mantle. Within a short time, six million Native Mexicans were baptized as Christians. Mary appeared to Juan Diego not as a European Madonna but as a beautiful Aztec princess speaking to him in his own Aztec language. If we want to help someone appreciate the gospel we bring, we must appreciate the culture and the mentality in which they live their lives. Our Lady of Guadalupe is Patroness of the Americas. Her feast day is December 12.

Tour the Cathedral

Self-tour brochures are available. To schedule group tours, including docent-led tours, please contact our business manager, Linda Sepulveda.

616.456.1454 x1902

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