Prayer & Worship

Liturgical Ministries

Whether you are participating behind the scenes or through a public role of service within the Mass, parishioner contributions of time and talent help our liturgies to be truly life-giving celebrations.


The Cathedral’s music ministry offers four different choirs and instrumentalists for a variety of liturgical music at Masses and other celebrations.

Art & Environment

The visual environment of the Cathedral throughout the various liturgical seasons is an important aspect of our worship.

Communion to Homebound

Specially trained Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion perform this important service for our homebound parishioners.

Prayer Blankets

These beautifully crafted blankets are blessed and distributed with a special prayer to those who are ill at home or in the hospital.

Prayer Chain

Prayer warriors are ready to lift up your petitions to God. To join the prayer email group or to make a request for prayer, email

Get Involved

Fill out a volunteer form to begin using your gifts and talents for a greater purpose.