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St Patrick’s Day Party and Raffle

Our annual St. Patrick Day Party and Raffle is Saturday, March 8. Get your raffle and dinner tickets at Mass or the parish office.
Online dinner tickets can be purchased here: https://bit.ly/CathStPatParty

Raffle tickets are $25ea. or 5 for $100. If you don’t want to wait in line after Mass, take a bag of tickets home with you and return the filled-out stubs with your check to Mass or the office. Raffle tickets will also be on sale at the party. This year we have 3 cash prizes of $500, $300, and $200, but as usual, we will have many more prizes including the dinner at the rectory, cooked by the Paulist Fathers.

Dinner tickets are $30 each. We only have room for 200 people in the Catholic Central Cafeteria, so plan to buy your tickets early.

Your ticket includes…
A traditional Irish dinner
2 drink tickets (soda, beer, wine) more drink tickets can be purchased at the party
1 Irish Coffee
Entertainment, Irish dance, music & sing-a-long
Front seat to the raffle and the rest of the shenanigans.


As usual, we have plenty of great prizes you can win, and we’re always adding more.

¨ 3 cash prizes: $500, $300, $200

¨ Dinner for 4 at the rectory, cooked and served by the Paulist Fathers.

¨ Detroit Princess Riverboat Cruise for 8 (valued at $700)

¨ Mackinac Bridge Tower Tour for 2. (physical requirements)

Businesses/Individuals are welcome to be cash sponsors or donate raffle prizes for recognition in our communication mediums.