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Lenten Book Study



Journeying through Lent with others is a wonderful way to experience this season of spiritual growth and insight.
Two different book studies are being offered.

Show Me the Way
A spiritual journey through Lent with “Show Me the Way” by Henri Nowen. We will be reading, meditating and reflecting on 15 of the 40 daily meditations from Nowen’s book, with opportunity for prayer, take away insights and opportunities for written reflections on any of the day’s journey. Books to be provided. Building friendships and community…along the Way.

1. Face-to-face Wednesdays at 6pm, at 3437 Assumption Dr NE Grand Rapids Mi 49525, for 1.5 hours
2. Online Saturdays from 10 to 11am. Topic will always be the meditation of the day.

Dates: March 5 thru April 26 – 8 weeks

The Universal Christ
Based on the book, “The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See” by Fr Richard Rohr. We will journal our reflections on excerpts from the book, share thoughts and feelings, and engage in additional contemplative practices to provide insight to Fr. Rohr’s teachings and help us to actively live our faith. A study guide will be provided.

Online Mondays at 7:00 PM for 1.5 hours to cover two chapters each meeting.
Dates: March 3 to April 21 – 8 weeks