Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
Saturday, April 12
4:30pm Vigil Mass
Sunday, April 13
10am – Mass with Bishop Walkowiak (televised/streamed live)
12pm – Misa en Español (streamed live)
5:30pm – Mass
7:30pm – Contemplative Mass
Mass of Chrism
Tuesday, April 15
7pm – Bishop Walkowiak presiding (streamed live)
Open to ticket holders only
Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Thursday, April 17
7pm – Bishop Walkowiak presiding, (streamed live)
8:30pm to Midnight – Adoration in the Chapel
Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion
Friday, April 18
3pm – Passion Service – Bishop Walkowiak presiding,
(televised/streamed live)
5:30pm – Good Friday Procession,
procesión del Vía Crucis (way of the cross)
8pm – Tenebrae, a service of shadows with psalmody, Scripture,
contemplative music, a reading from the
Passion, and veneration of the Cross.
Holy Saturday: The Easter Vigil
Saturday, April 19
9:15pm – Bishop Walkowiak presiding
Easter Sunday:
The Resurrection of the Lord
Sunday, April 20
10am – Mass with Bishop Walkowiak
(televised/streamed live)
12pm – Misa en Español (streamed live)
2:30pm – African Refugee Mass
5:30pm – Evening Mass
7:30pm – Contemplative Mass
Our parish offices will be closed on Good Friday (April 18) and Easter Monday (April 21)