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Advent Daily Reflections

Advent Reflections

Journey through Advent with these reflections sent to your email (or text message) each day through Advent. Go to https://cathedralofsaintandrew.flocknote.com/AdventReflect to sign up. Or text AdventReflect to 84576.

If you have signed up for previous Lent or Advent reflections, you don’t have to sign up again, you will automatically receive these. You can also view the entire book online at bit.ly/AdventReflect. Or, follow along daily on Facebook. If you do not have access to the internet, we will have some printed copies available at the church or the parish office.

This is a project of the Cathedral’s Ecumenism Team and brings together writers from the Cathedral and our partner churches Bethlehem Lutheran, St. Mark’s Episcopal, and Westminster Presbyterian.