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Adult Confirmation Class

Life-long Catholic, but never Confirmed?

Okay, so you missed your Confirmation in High School or Middle School. Maybe your family was too busy, you were doing sports, working a job, or just sick that day. Whatever the reason, you missed it. You never got Confirmed.

Now as an adult, you want to finish your sacraments of initiation. You want to celebrate Confirmation before you get married. You want to become empowered with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You want to become a fully mature disciple of Christ Jesus. Whatever your reason, you now want to attend preparation classes and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Now is the time to get started. This year’s 10-week Adult Confirmation Classes are Tuesdays, beginning February 11, 2025, 7-8:30pm, at the Catholic Information Center. The cost of books is approximately $50.

Interested? Contact Sean Donovan.