Explore What it Means to be Catholic
Attend the Catholic Inquiry Class
Tuesdays, Sept 10 – Nov 19, 7-8:30p
Register/questions: Sean Donovan at 616-456-1454 x1913 or sdonovan@grcathedral.org
This 10-week program is designed for seekers who want to learn about the Catholic faith. It is also a necessary precursor to entering into the formal program for adults to become Catholic. Inquiry is geared towards both those who have never been baptized, and those who have been baptized in a different Christian tradition. Inquiry helps individuals discern if the process for becoming Catholic is right for them. The program is also open to those who are already Catholic but want to deepen and renew their understanding of Catholic teaching. There are specific topics for each week but they are open for any questions or faith discussion.
September 10: God, Community & Me – Invitation to Relationship & Prayer
September 17: The Bible – Source of God’s Self-Revelation
September 24: Jesus the Christ – God’s Son, Messenger, & Message
October 1: The Church – Sacramental Presence of Christ on Earth
October 8: The Sacraments – General Principles / Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism & Confirmation
October 15: Sacraments of Initiation: Holy Communion (Eucharist) & the Mass
October 22: (No Class)
October 29: Death & the Afterlife
November 5: Morality – Sin & Grace, Virtue & Vice
November 12: Sacraments of Healing – Reconciliation & Anointing of Sick
November 19: Saints, Holiness & Missionary Discipleship – Why It Matters