Parish Community

Leadership Councils

There are many leadership and planning teams at the Cathedral. Using your gifts and talents on one of these teams is a great way to help us live out our mission as Church.

Young Adults

Cathedral Young Adults of Grand Rapids is a diocese-wide ministry organized at the Cathedral. Leadership Teams plan many activities each month. A new group for young married couples is also available.


As a welcoming and diverse community, we value ways that we can practice hospitality to each other and those we serve.

Social Events

We are a family that values community time together. We have several planning teams for small and big annual parish events.

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic order based upon the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Any man who wishes to join the Knights, grow your faith, and help make a difference can check out free membership.

Contact the Cathedral Chapter

Get Involved

Fill out a volunteer form to begin using your gifts and talents for greater purpose.