Children & Youth

Register Your Child

Religious Education classes are for any school-age child or youth. Special classes prepare your child for their sacraments. Contact the parish office to register your child or children for classes beginning each year in September.

616.456.1454 x1909

Preparation for First Communion

Second grade is the typical time for your child to receive the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Reconciliation. Older children can also receive these Sacraments through the Religious Education program.

Preparation for Confirmation

Your child needs to be at least 13 years old to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Youth up to the 12th grade can receive Confirmation through the Religious Education program.


If your school age child was not Baptized as an infant, they can also prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism through the religious education program.

What's my next step?

Getting your children registered for Religious Education Classes, no matter what age, is your first step.

If you need to discuss special situations, connect with Sean Donovan, our director of religious education. or 616.456.1454 x1913

Reminder: You need to be a registered parishioner to enroll your child in sacramental preparation classes.