We believe that when parishioners know and use their unique gifts and talents, they will further engage their faith for growth in hope, foster belonging, and serve purpose by participating in the life of the Church.
Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? God gives us unique gifts, talents, personalities, and passions so we can understand how we can live our missionary call.
There are several ways to explore your gifts: you can take the Spiritual Gifts Inventory and receive a report; you can explore current ministry offerings, or you can learn about spiritual gifts by reading the Cathedral’s guide
Click below to learn about, discover, or affirm your Spiritual Gifts.
Not sure which ministry is right for you? Select your interests on our Volunteer Interests Form and a volunteer guide will contact you.
Do you need help figuring out your next step?
Our priests can help you discern where the Holy Spirit may be directing you.
Call the parish office to make an appointment 616.456.1454 x1909
215 Sheldon Blvd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
616-456-1454 | office@grcathedral.org
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